Mississauga Ringette Association intends to host the following teams for the 2024-2025 season:
The team formation sessions for teams will be held:
Please ensure that you have registered for the 2024-2025 season at MississaugaRingette.rampregistrations.com before attending the sessions. Only registered players will be allowed on the ice, so please ensure you have registered prior to September 3th.
Please review the Southern Region presentation at SRRA FAQ for Tryouts v2.pdf (southernregionringette.ca). Slides 10-14 contain important information with respect to the U12A team formation process. The remainder of the presentation contains general information about team formation, as well as the provincial team formation process.
If you have any questions, please contact info@mississaugaringette.com.
Come Try Ringette
Iceland Arena, Rink 4